
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Travel Shore: The Nunok Falls

Last year i went in Quezon Province with my family to discover a beautiful nature as a describe. When i go to the forest walked into across the river for almost 5 minutes and i found a nature waterfalls i see for my first time.

The Nunok Falls is located around just few miles away to Mapalad Beach Resort in Real Quezon it just a same a Palo Alto at Baras, Rizal. During Summer almost tourist from Antipolo and the Past around the Metro Manila everyday to see around a beautiful Nunok Falls.

Last May 2016 for my first time to go at Nunok Falls after search in the internet like Google to took a beautiful nature place at Real, Quezon but i'm not to swin because during not in the mood. But i took on my feet in the river because the rock down in the river was too rough and became hurt. Afterwards we went a party and excitement.

When they back at the Nunok last June 18, 2016 for another Family Outing every Saturday for those some fellas around here i go for swin at the falls but it was not hot because the waterfall is cold who connect up to down to the Philippine Sea will other waterfalls and rivers connecting to the sea.

And Last March 25 of this year during 16 hours outing with Family and Friends after Mapalad Beach Resort will be back here of taking selfies and shots. But many people around here during the start of Summer Season to swin here there some additional cottage houses were already built rather than last year. 

Nunok Falls is a part of the Waterfalls in different parts of nature it connect down to the river and taken to the sea. Some tourist will expect to discover the places at Real Quezon especially The Nunok Falls The Balagbag Falls and other different destinations across the Philippines.

Discvover the The Nunok Falls at Real Quezon, Philippines.

Well will see you next time for another The Travel Shore here at the Blogger Site Deehoi's Diary.

-Deehoi Natividad

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Simply Joy (French Lavender)

Thanks to Rhea to gave and pay this item. It such a wonderful because i want to smooth in my skin.

Simply Joy's French Lavander gift set it a 3 in 1 bath experience to become a smooth and softer body skin. Shower Gel to keep apply any part of the area, Body Scrub to put on your sponge and scrub it and let your body scented and after finish your taking a bath used Body Lotion to let your smooth on your skin all day long. 

Well let's try on this gift set to let your feel rosier day and night that gave you the natural beauty and radiance you desire.

-Deehoi Natividad

Sunday, April 9, 2017

My New Lipstick has arrived This Summer

Aside from Avon Lipstick when i used everyday at work i had two brand new lipstick has arrived. It just not local lipstick like Avon or Ever Billena here. Some had made from california, yes this is a import lipstick. I used once a week during a working hours at the pharmacy but this color looks so different pretty good.

Everyone got Kylie Lipstick?

Kylie Lipstick i buy from Ara this past March during night shift when i choose Pink Matte must be called Posie K. Almost 250 PHP only but it was discounted to me. I used this once a week only because more local lipstick used everyday.

Look see this wearing pink Posie K  Kylie Lipstick during my duty hours at work but once a day to put in my lips because i added a lipgloss here for a beautiful shining lips especially to avoid some dry lips.

Many some Kylie Lipstick Matte like brown, red and orange also available here at the pharmacy.

Colorful Anastacia Lipstick

Anastacia Lipstick is made from Beverly Hills in the US, this is a beautiful design and i mirror on the cap cover on this color matte. I choose Pure Hollywood or natural color lipstick because on my skin is light. When i used once a week just the same Kylie Lipstick for part on my white uniform during Tuesday and Thursday. This Anastacia Lipstick for a cost of 250 PHP only.

Take a look on my wearing Pure Hollywood Matte courtesy from Anastacia Lipstick also i added my face powder for my finising touches.

Well that's it this is my new two branded lipstick this summer and i hope to enjoy this blog because in  the past few days i have such to do a better job during my night shift this month.

We See You Next Time

-Deehoi Natividad.